
Critical Pedagogy and Teacher Education in the Neoliberal Era

Critical Pedagogy and Teacher Education in the Neoliberal Era

Small Openings
Explorations of Educational Purpose, Band 6

von: Susan L. Groenke, J. Amos Hatch

CHF 118.00

Verlag: Springer
Format: PDF
Veröffentl.: 30.07.2009
ISBN/EAN: 9781402095887
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 260

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Susan L. Groenke and J. Amos Hatch It does not feel safe to be critical in university-based teacher education programs right now, especially if you are junior faculty. In the neoliberal era, critical teacher education research gets less and less funding, and professors can be denied tenure or lose their jobs for speaking out against the status quo. Also, we know that the pedagogies critical teacher educators espouse can get beginning K–12 teachers fired or shuffled around, especially if their students’ test scores are low. This, paired with the resistance many of the future teachers who come through our programs—predominantly White, middle-class, and happy with the current state of affairs—show toward critical pedagogy, makes it seem a whole lot easier, less risky, even smart not to “do” critical pedagogy at all. Why bother? We believe this book shows we have lots of reasons to “bother” with critical pe- gogy in teacher education, as current educational policies and the neoliberal discourses that vie for the identities of our own local contexts increasingly do not have education for the public good in mind. This book shows teacher educators taking risks, seeking out what political theorist James Scott has called the “small openings” for resistance in the contexts that mark teacher education in the early twenty-first century.
Contexts for Critical Pedagogies in Teacher Education.- Social Reconstructionism and the Roots of Critical Pedagogy: Implications for Teacher Education in the Neoliberal Era.- Contextualizing the Madness: A Critical Analysis of the Assault on Teacher Education and Schools.- Standards Talk: Considering Discourse in Teacher Education Standards.- Policy Failures: No Child Left Behind and English Language Learners.- Issues in Critical Teacher Education: Insights from the Field.- Enacting Critical Pedagogies in Teacher Education.- A Critical Pedagogy of Race in Teacher Education: Response and Responsibility.- Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy in Early Childhood Teacher Education: A Conversation.- Integrating Macro- and Micro-Level Issues in ESOL/Bilingual Teacher Education.- Standards, Critical Literature, and Portfolio Assessment: An Integrated Approach to Critical Pedagogical Development.- Leaders-Cloaked-As-Teachers: Toward Pedagogies of Liberation.- Regulation, Resistance, and Sacred Places in Teacher Education.- Small Openings in Cyberspace: Preparing Preservice Teachers to Facilitate Critical Race Talk.- Teaching for Democracy and Social Justice in Rural Settings: Challenges and Pedagogical Opportunities.- Adjusting to Rose-Colored Glasses: Finding Creative Ways to Be Critical in Kentucky.- Becoming Critical in an Urban Elementary Teacher Education Program.
<P>The chapters in this edited collection make it clear that critical teacher educators are aware of neoliberalism and its profound impact on public schools and university-based teacher preparation programs. They know the deleterious effects of macro-level, neoliberal forces on the local and particular teaching contexts where they are trying to do critical pedagogical work. The authors describe the havoc NCLB has wreaked, especially on minority and ELL students; the pressures university-based teacher preparation programs feel to align themselves with neoliberal agendas; and the frustration of knowing that critical work is not always valued, supported, or understood in academe. </P>
<P>Yet all of the authors in this book persist, finding or creating "small openings" in their contexts that foster the critical reflection, intellectual engagement, and examination of alternative paradigms that help beginning teachers pursue deeper understandings about schooling in a democratic society. They describe these openings here.</P>
A comprehensive review of empirical work related to critical teacher education is presented The book is by and for those interested in applying critical perspectives in diverse education settings The book takes a strong position against the dominant ideologies that currently control education policy and decision making, calling for resistance whenever and wherever opportunities can be found

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