
Faith to Table

Faith to Table

52 Breakfast and Dinnertime Devotions for Families

von: BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

CHF 8.50

Verlag: Broadstreet Publishing Group
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 07.07.2020
ISBN/EAN: 9781424560608
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 160

Dieses eBook enthält ein Wasserzeichen.


Spending time together around the table is critical for growing healthy family relationships. Celebrate the most connected part of your day with Faith to Table.
This devotional is filled with conversation starters, meaningful devotions, and impacting Scriptures. Be filled with gratitude for all God's goodness as you participate in family activities and praise moments. Focus your days and nights around God, and you will impart wisdom for life's many challenges.
Grow closer to God and to each other as you bring your faith to the table!
At BroadStreet Publishing, we desire to inspire the world around us. We are passionate about creating meaningful, inspirational products that share God's truth with beauty, quality and creativity.


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