
How to be Unhappy at 20+: 40 ways to Fail Growing Up

How to be Unhappy at 20+: 40 ways to Fail Growing Up

von: Randy J. Paterson, Vladislav Gorbylev

CHF 2.00

Verlag: Ves Audio
Format: MP3 (in ZIP-Archiv)
Veröffentl.: 13.01.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9785957362487
Sprache: Russisch

Dieses Hörbuch erhalten Sie ohne Kopierschutz.


You can be unhappy at any age, but it is the transition to adulthood that offers many unique ways to derail your life. Can't you leave your parents' house in any way and shift all decisions to others? Are you sitting on the couch and waiting for the true purpose to be revealed to you? Do you subordinate your goals and behavior to common standards and labels? Keep it up ! Unfortunately, there are many ways — you can always find the one that you like.
Randy Paterson, a practicing psychotherapist, author of the bestseller "How to be Unhappy" and owner of a proprietary sense of humor, will show the most common traps and pitfalls that lie in wait for every person between the ages of 18 and 30. In this book you will not find platitudes, promises of happiness and fabulous well-being. Instead, you will find 40 reliable ways to ruin your life as much as possible. Don't miss this chance.
If, on the contrary, you want to take control of your life, fill it with meaning and work out on
Рэнди Дж. Патерсон — психотерапевт, директор клиники Changeways в Ванкувере, Британская Колумбия, Канада. Он ведет учебные программы для врачей, а также является автором научных книг и статей. В 2008 году Патерсон получил награду «Психотерапевт года» от Канадской психологической ассоциации. Автор бестселлера «Как быть несчастным: 40 стратегий, которые вы уже используете».

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