
Integrated Research in GRID Computing

Integrated Research in GRID Computing

CoreGRID Integration Workshop 2005 (Selected Papers) November 28-30, Pisa, Italy

von: Sergei Gorlatch, Marco Danelutto

CHF 118.00

Verlag: Springer
Format: PDF
Veröffentl.: 30.04.2007
ISBN/EAN: 9780387476582
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 284

Dieses eBook enthält ein Wasserzeichen.


<P>The aim of CoreGRID is to strengthen and advance scientific and technological excellence in the area of Grid and Peer-to-Peer technologies in order to overcome the current fragmentation and duplication of effort in this area. To achieve this objective, the workshop brought together a critical mass of well-established researchers (including 145 permanent researchers and 171 PhD students) from a number of institutions which have all constructed an ambitious joint program of activities. Priority in the workshop was given to work conducted in collaboration between partners from different research institutions and to promising research proposals that could foster such collaboration in the future.&nbsp; This book is the&nbsp;fourth volume of the CoreGRID series.</P>
<P>The topics in this volume include: - Knowledge and Data Management, - Programming Models, - System Architecture, - Grid Information, Resource and Workflow Monitoring Services, - Resource Management and Scheduling, - Systems, Tools and Environments, -Trust and Security Issues on the Grid.</P>
Data Integration and Query Reformulation in Service-Based Grids.- Towards a Common Deployment Model for Grid Systems.- Towards Automatic Creation of Web Services for Grid Component Composition.- Adaptable Parallel Components for Grid Programming.- Skeleton Parallel Programming and Parallel Objects.- Towards the Automatic Mapping of Assist Applications for the Grid.- An Abstract Schema Modeling Adaptivity Management.- A Feedback-Based Approach to Reduce Duplicate Messages in Unstructured Peer-To-Peer Networks.- Fault-Injection and Dependability Benchmarking for Grid Computing Middleware.- User Management for Virtual Organizations.- On the Integration of Passive and Active Network Monitoring in Grid Systems.- Sensor Oriented Grid Monitoring Infrastructures for Adaptive Multi-Criteria Resource Management Strategies.- Towards Semantics-Based Resource Discovery for the Grid.- Scheduling Workflows with Budget Constraints.- Integration of ISS into the Viola Meta-Scheduling Environment.- Multi-Criteria Grid Resource Management Using Performance Prediction Techniques.- A Proposal for a Generic Grid Scheduling Architecture.- Grid Superscalar Enabled P-Grade Portal.- Redesigning the Segl Problem Solving Environment: A Case Study of Using Mediator Components.- Synthetic Grid Workloads with Ibis, Koala, and Grenchmark.
<P><EM>Integrated Research in Grid Computing</EM> presents a selection of the best papers presented at the CoreGRID Integration Workshop (CGIW2005), which took place on November 28-30, 2005 in Pisa, Italy.&nbsp; This book is the&nbsp;fourth volume of the CoreGRID series.</P>
<P>The aim of CoreGRID is to strengthen and advance scientific and technological excellence in the area of Grid and Peer-to-Peer technologies in order to overcome the current fragmentation and duplication of effort in this area. To achieve this objective, the workshop brought together a critical mass of well-established researchers (including 145 permanent researchers and 171 PhD students) from a number of institutions which have all constructed an ambitious joint program of activities. Priority in the workshop was given to work conducted in collaboration between partners from different research institutions and to promising research proposals that could foster such collaboration in the future.</P>
<P>The list of topics in this volume includes:</P>
<P>- Knowledge and Data Management</P>
<P>- Programming Models</P>
<P>- System Architecture</P>
<P>- Grid Information, Resource and Workflow Monitoring Services</P>
<P>-Resource Management and Scheduling</P>
<P>- Systems, Tools and Environments</P>
<P>- Trust and Security Issues on the Grid</P>
Pioneering research in Grid and Peer-to-Peer technologies Includes supplementary material:
<P>The aim of CoreGRID is to strengthen and advance scientific and technological excellence in the area of Grid and Peer-to-Peer technologies in order to overcome the current fragmentation and duplication of effort in this area. To achieve this objective, the workshop brought together a critical mass of well-established researchers (including 145 permanent researchers and 171 PhD students) from a number of institutions which have all constructed an ambitious joint program of activities. Priority in the workshop was given to work conducted in collaboration between partners from different research institutions and to promising research proposals that could foster such collaboration in the future.</P>