
Management Principles of Sustainable Industrial Chemistry

Management Principles of Sustainable Industrial Chemistry

Theories, Concepts and Indusstrial Examples for Achieving Sustainable Chemical Products and Processes from a Non-Technological Viewpoint
2. Aufl.

von: Genserik L. L. Reniers, Kenneth Sörensen, Karl Vrancken

CHF 87.00

Verlag: Wiley-VCH (D)
Format: PDF
Veröffentl.: 18.11.2013
ISBN/EAN: 9783527649518
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 280

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Approaching sustainability from the perspectives of engineering and multiple scientific disciplines, this book incorporates the concepts of intergenerational equity and ecological capabilities, while promoting scientific rigor for the analysis of sustainability and the use of appropriate metrics to determine the comparative merits of alternatives. <br> The chapters are organized around the key non-technological themes of sustainable industrial chemistry and provide an overview of the managerial principles to enhance sustainability in the chemicals sector. The book strives to provide an intellectual forum and stimulus for defining the roles chemical engineers can play in achieving sustainable development. <br> Suitable for industry and graduate education, this is the one-stop guide to greener, cleaner, economically viable and more efficient chemical industries.<br>
Preface<br> <br> PART I: Introductory Section<br> <br> EDITORIAL INTRODUCTION<br> From Industrial to Sustainable Chemistry, A Policy Perspective<br> Managing Intraorganizational Sustainability<br> Managing Horizontal Interorganizational Sustainability<br> Managing Vertical Interorganizational Sustainability<br> Sustainable Chemistry in a Societal Context<br> <br> HISTORY AND DRIVERS OF SUSTAINABILITY IN THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY<br> The Rise of Public Pressure<br> Industry Responded<br> An Evolving Framework<br> Conclusions: The Sustainability Drivers<br> <br> FROM INDUSTRIAL TO SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY, A POLICY PERSPECTIVE<br> Introduction<br> Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control<br> From IED to Voluntary Systems<br> Sustainability Challenges for Industry<br> Conclusion<br> <br> SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY FROM A NONTECHNOLOGICAL VIEWPOINT<br> Introduction<br> Intraorganizational Management for Enhancing Sustainability<br> Horizontal Intraorganizational Management for Enhancing Sustainability<br> Vertical Intraorganizational Management for Enhancing Sustainability<br> Sustainable Chemistry in a Societal Context<br> Conclusions<br> <br> PART II: Managing Intra-Organizational Sustainability<br> <br> BUILDING CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY -<br> DEVELOPING A SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FRAMEWORK<br> Introduction<br> Development of a CSR Management System Framework<br> Conclusions<br> <br> SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT METHODS AND TOOLS<br> Introduction<br> Sustainability Assessment Framework<br> Impact Indicators and Assessment Methodologies<br> Conclusions<br> <br> INTEGRATED BUSINESS AND SHESE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS<br> Introduction<br> Requirements for Integrating Management Systems<br> Integrating Management Systems: Obstacles and Advantages<br> Integrated Risk Management Models<br> Characteristics and Added Value of an Integrated Model;<br> Integrated Management in Practice<br> Conclusions<br> <br> SUPPORTING PROCESS DESIGN BY A SUSTAINABILITY KPIS METHODOLOGY<br> Introduction<br> Quantitative Assessment of Sustainability KPIs in Process Design Activities<br> Identification of Relevant KPIs: The "Tree of Impacts"<br> Criteria for Normalization and Aggregation of the KPIs<br> Customization and Sensitivity Analysis in Early KPI Assessment<br> Conclusions<br> <br> PART III: Managing Horizontal Interorganizational Sustainability<br> <br> INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS AND THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY: BETWEEN EXPLORATION AND EXPLOITATION<br> Introduction<br> Understanding Industrial Symbiosis<br> Resourcefulness<br> Putting Resourcefulness to the Test<br> Conclusions<br> <br> CLUSTER MANAGEMENT FOR IMPROVING SAFETY AND SECURITY IN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL AREAS<br> Introduction<br> Cluster Management<br> Cross-Organizational Learning on Safety and Security<br> Discussion<br> Conclusions<br> <br> PART IV: Managing Vertical Inter-Organizational Sustainability<br> <br> SUSTAINABLE CHEMICAL LOGISTICS<br> Introduction<br> Sustainability of Logistics and Transportation<br> Improving Sustainability of Logistics in the Chemical Sector<br> Conclusions<br> <br> IMPLEMENTING SERVICE-BASED CHEMICAL SUPPLY RELATIONSHIP -<br> CHEMICAL LEASING? -<br> POTENTIAL IN EU<br> Introduction<br> Basic Principles of Chemical Leasing (ChL)<br> Differences between Classical Leasing and Other Alternative Business Models for Chemicals<br> Practical Implications of Chemical Leasing<br> Economic, Technical, and Juridical Aspects of Chemical Leasing<br> Conclusions and Recommendations<br> <br> SUSTAINABLE CHEMICAL WAREHOUSING<br> Introduction<br> Risk Management in the Chemical Warehouse<br> Conclusions<br> <br> PART V: Sustainable Chemistry in a Societal Context<br> <br> A TRANSITION PERSPECTIVE ON SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY: THE NEED FOR SMART GOVERNANCE?<br> Introduction<br> A Transitions Perspective on Chemical Industry<br> A Tale of Two Pathways<br> Critical Issues in the Transition Management to Sustainable Chemistry<br> Governance Strategies for a Transition to a Sustainable Chemistry<br> Conclusions and Reflections<br> <br> THE FLEMISH CHEMICAL INDUSTRY TRANSITION TOWARD SUSTAINABILITY: THE "FISCH" EXPERIENCE<br> Introduction<br> Transition of the Chemical Industry in Flanders: The "FISCH" Initiative<br> Concluding Remarks and Lessons Learned<br> <br> THE TRANSITION TO A BIO-BASED CHEMICAL INDUSTRY: TRANSITION MANAGEMENT FROM A GEOGRAPHICAL POINT OF VIEW<br> Introduction<br> Composition of the Chemical Clusters in Antwerp, Ghent, Rotterdam, and Terneuzen<br> Regional Innovation Projects to Strengthen the Transition to a Bio-Based Chemical Industry<br> Conclusions<br> <br> PART VI: Conclusions and Recommendations<br> <br> CONCLUSIOIN AND RECOMMENDATIONS<br> <br> Index<br>
<p>“This guide to cleaner, more-efficient, and more economically viable chemical industries also strives to define the roles that chemical engineers can play in achieving sustainable development.”  (<i>Chemical Engineering Progress</i>, 1 August 2013)</p>
Genserik Reniers received his PhD in Applied Economic Sciences from the University of Antwerp, after completing a Master`s degree in Chemical Engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. He lectures in general chemistry, organic chemistry, chemical process technology, industrial processes and thermodynamics at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He is also visiting professor Risk Management at the Institute of Transport and Maritime Management in Antwerp. At the Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel in Brussels, Professor Reniers lectures in prevention management, advanced occupational health and safety management and chemical processes/unit operations. His main research interests concern the collaboration and interaction between safety and security topics and socio-economic optimization within the chemical industry. He coordinates the Antwerp Research Group on Safety and Security (ARGoSS), unifying multi-disciplinary safety and security research at the University of Antwerp. He has extensive experience in leading research projects funded both by the Belgian government and the chemical industry. He is a Fellow of the International Congress of Disaster Management, Member of the Society for Risk Analysis and the Royal Flemish Society for Engineers and serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries.<br> <br> Kenneth Sorensen received his PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Antwerp in 2003. He currently works at the University of Antwerp as a research professor and specializes in Operations Research/Management Science topics, especially optimization in logistics. He has extensive experience in research projects related to this topic and currently supervises several projects and PhD students. Kenneth Sorensen is main coordinator of EU/ME, the largest working group on metaheuristics worldwide and is associate editor for the Journal of Heuristics.<br> <br> Karl Vrancken is programme manager sustainability assessment and transition at VITO. He became a Doctor of Sciences (Chemistry) at the University of Antwerp in 1995. He worked as a training- and development manager in the environmental industry. He joined VITO in 1997 where he worked as expert and project manager on waste and secondary raw materials and best available techniques (BAT). From 2001 until early 2004 he worked as a Detached National Expert with the European IPPC Bureau in Sevilla (Spain), where, he was responsible for the writing of the BREF (BAT Reference Document) for the Foundries sector. He has a part-time assignment as professor at the University of Antwerp (Department of Bio-Engineering), where he teaches sustainable resources management. At VITO, Karl is heading the multidisciplinary research team on sustainability assessment and transition.<br>
Approaching sustainability from the perspectives of engineering and multiple scientific disciplines, this book incorporates the concepts of intergenerational equity and ecological capabilities, while promoting scientific rigor for the analysis of sustainability and the use of appropriate metrics to determine the comparative merits of alternatives. <br> The chapters are organized around the key non-technological themes of sustainable industrial chemistry and provide an overview of the managerial principles to enhance sustainability in the chemicals sector. The book strives to provide an intellectual forum and stimulus for defining the roles chemical engineers can play in achieving sustainable development. <br> Suitable for industry and graduate education, this is the one-stop guide to greener, cleaner, economically viable and more efficient chemical industries.

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