
Philosophy, Who Needs It?

Philosophy, Who Needs It?

A Layman's Introduction to Philosophy

von: Jason D. Crowder, Winfried Corduan

CHF 30.00

Verlag: Wipf And Stock Publishers
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 02.03.2016
ISBN/EAN: 9781498219808
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 240

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Too often skeptics charge Christians with having a blind faith. Unfortunately, believers have added fuel to the charges of skeptics by speaking of their faith illogically. But the Christian faith is not a blind faith. In fact, biblical faith is never a blind, irrational faith. Christianity rests firmly on the stone that was rejected by the builders, which has become the cornerstone--Jesus Christ (Acts 4:11). Living biblically requires thinking biblically, just as "to think biblically entails to live biblically," as Winfried Corduan notes in the Foreword.

As followers of Christ, believers cannot separate biblical thinking and biblical living. These two behaviors are eternally connected not only in the person of Jesus Christ, but they stem from the eternal being of God the Father and his eternal truth. Christ mandates that his followers love God with their entire being--heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30). How are believers to go about living out this biblical mandate? Christian faith is a warranted belief. This is why it is so essential that Christians recognize the value and importance of philosophy and its proper place in Christendom and in the Christian's walk.
Jason D. Crowder is an Adjunct Instructor of Religion at Butler Community College in Kansas and a Faculty Mentor at Columbia Evangelical Seminary. He holds a Doctor of Theological Studies from Columbia Evangelical Seminary in philosophical theology and apologetics, an MDiv in theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a BA in religion from the University of Mobile. He is a doctoral candidate in philosophy with the University of the Free State.
"This is an able and biblically grounded primer on how to think well about what matters most."
<br> --Douglas Groothuis, author of
<i>Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith</i>
<br> "
<i>Philosophy, Who Needs It?</i> is targeted at Christians who want to think. Jason Crowder weaves together a rich biblical and theological tapestry that illustrates the indispensable nature of philosophical thinking. This book will be an encouragement to those well along in their intellectual journey, as well as those who are just beginning."
<br> --Gregory E. Ganssle, Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
<br> "Jason Crowder's
<i>Philosophy, Who Needs It?</i> is an excellent introduction to philosophy, especially for readers who seek to study philosophy from a Christian standpoint. . . . Like the title, the book is written in ordinary language and gradually introduces the student to some technical terminology. It seeks above all to be faithful to Scripture and to make a difference in the living of the Christian life."
<br> --John Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology &amp; Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary
<br> "I recommend this book to anyone seeking a broad understanding of the intersections between the Christian faith and the discipline of philosophy. Crowder provides sound
<br> arguments for why Christians today need philosophy to respond responsibly to today's cultural and intellectual challenges. His book is salted with biblical references that will also help Christians understand why they need the tools that the discipline of philosophy provides for thinking about their faith and defending it."
<br> --Randall B. Bush, University Professor of Philosophy, Union University
<br> "Introductions to philosophy come in all shapes, sizes, and especially content. It did not take long to recognize two things that separate Jason Crowder's from other such volumes. First, he takes very seriously the Christian philosopher's duty to apply his stock and trade in the context of Christian revelation. For Crowder, philosophy is not a discipline that operates independently of God's Word, but with Scripture verses tacked on at the end. Rather, he organizes his philosophy in the context of God's words to us. Second, he is convicted that good theology and philosophy must be applied to life. After thinking well, what manner of persons ought we to be? How can these truths be applied in real-life situations? I recommend this volume, especially as it exhibits these two strengths."
<br> --Gary R. Habermas, Distinguished Research Professor &amp; Chair, Department of Philosophy, Liberty University
<br> "Here is a scholarly, highly readable, and biblical treatment of philosophy. Those who value careful thinking and tight logic will find much to feast on in this book. I particularly appreciate how Crowder demonstrates that philosophy is relevant to daily Christian living. Highly recommended."
<br> --Ron Rhodes, Founder &amp; President of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries; Author of over 70 books on sharing the gospel message and defending Christianity
<br> "Most people outside of academia shy away from subjects that seem inaccessible to them. Anything perceived as too heady or high-minded gets relegated to an apathetic heap and discarded as irrelevant. Dr. Crowder has done a good service to the Body in
<i>Philosophy, Who Needs it?</i> by pulling down essential, practical, and historic truths from the supposed ivory tower seat and making them, not only approachable, but desirable as well. As one who earned his college degree in philosophy as a professed atheist and who now pastors a local fellowship, the value of this introductory work cannot be overstated."
<br> --Eddie Exposito, BA in Philosophy (University of New Orleans); Pastor of Sovereign Grace Fellowship (Slidell, LA)
<br> "Every generation of American Evangelicals needs a new set of prophetic voices to extend into the present the historic line of voices calling us back from the anti-intellectual betrayal of Jesus' Great Commandment (to love the Lord our God with all our mind) to which we are prone. Jason Crowder has stepped up to that plate and hit a solid line drive. Lovers of truth and good Christian thinking can be grateful."
<br> --Donald T. Williams, R. A. Forrest Scholar at Toccoa Falls College, President of the International Society of Christian Apologetics; Author of nine books including--
<i>Mere Humanity: Chesterton, Lewis and Tolkien on the Human Condition</i> and
<i>Reflections from Plato's Cave: Essays in Evangelical Philosophy</i>
<br> "
<i>Philosophy, Who Needs It?</i> is far more than a basic introduction to philosophy. Crowder answers the question why to all doubters of the importance of philosophy for the church and especially the pulpit. Beyond the why, he explains philosophy with the perfect balance of depth and explanation. I wish I had this book years ago. An extreme blessing."
<br> --Eddie Coakley, Senior Pastor of Trinity Baptist Church (Cayce, SC)
<br> "In the church there is too often an unnecessary division of those who feel that advanced education and studies in complementary disciplines such as philosophy are unnecessary at best, and detrimental at worst, and those who place philosophy above the authority of Scripture. Jason Crowder calls his readers to the correct perspective: The Bible is the highest authority, and the study of philosophy can complement and enhance one's understanding of that highest authority. I agree with him at this point and encourage others to take the time to read this work and see if they too come to the same conclusion."
<br> --Rick Walston, Founder and President Emeritus, Columbia Evangelical Seminary
<br> "Jason Crowder has done the Christian Church a great service by writing this book. In it he shows that, if we are to love God with our minds as well as our hearts, we must think deeply about the Bible, the world, morality, and the Christian view of reality. This means that every Christian, whether he be a lay person or a minister, must be a good philosopher, as well as a good theologian. Jason can help us begin this intellectual journey as he introduces us to philosophy (i.e., the love of wisdom) from a Christian perspective. In this climate of anti-intellectualism that has infected the American Church, this book will be a major contribution to the health of the Christianity in our country. I highly recommend this book."
<br> --Phil Fernandes, Pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship (Bremerton, WA); President of the Institute of Biblical Defense
<br> "Too many Christians believe that childlike faith means that we do not need to think about our faith. The biblical evidence, from both Jesus and Paul, reveals that the opposite is true. Everyone does philosophy, the question is whether it is good or bad philosophy. Jason Crowder provides the resource to get Christians on the path to good philosophy.
<i>Philosophy, Who Needs It?</i> presents scholarly content in a manner which the layperson can understand and apply."
<br> --Stephen J. Bedard, Pastor of Queen Street Baptist Church; Director of Hope's Reason Ministries; Adjunct Professor, Emmanuel Bible College
<br> "For many Christians, philosophy is a four-letter word, and any Christian who goes so far as to study philosophy is to be regarded with suspicion, if not pity. In reality, however, everyone has a philosophy of some kind, whether they recognize it or not. The only question is whether they have a good philosophy. This splendid book is an invitation not merely to good philosophy, but to Christian philosophy: philosophy directed by the word of God and pursued to the glory of God. So come on in, the water's fine!"
<br> --James N. Anderson, Associate Professor of Theology and Philosophy; Academic Dean, RTS Global, Reformed Theological Seminary
<br> "While attending a pastors' conference, I was struck with the following thought: pastors need to be taught the Bible, and they need to be taught how to think. This is true not just for ministers but for all genuine believers in Jesus Christ. Jason Crowder has produced an invaluable field guide to Christian philosophy which should prove most useful to readers who strive to love the Lord with all their MIND."
<br> --David W. Bailey, Pastor of Cottondale Baptist Church (Cottondale, AL); Author of
<i>Speaking the Truth in Love: The Life and Legacy of Roger Nicole</i>
<br> "Dr. Crowder's
<i>Philosophy, Who Needs It?</i> is an eminently practical work. Someone of moderate intelligence, who has never taken a class in philosophy or read a book about the subject, could teach this book's contents to a Sunday School class or youth group without becoming confused himself or confusing anyone who is paying attention. Ordinary Christians without academic attainments or aspirations need to know about this subject and its relation to their faith. For that audience, this book is ideal."
<br> --Dennis W. Jowers, Professor of Theology &amp; Apologetics, Faith Evangelical College &amp; Seminary
<br> "In our day when much of the visible church is susceptible to and promoting many false doctrines, a book like
<i>Philosophy, Who Needs It?</i> is much needed. This is a thoroughly biblical view of philosophy and will help any Christian learn to reason better and gain a greater understanding of truth. Applying the apostle Paul's directive in Romans 12:1-2 for having a renewed mind, this book will be a great help for the Christian learning to discern truth from error. Well done!"
<br> --Joe Tolin, Pastor of Grace Fellowship Church (Gulfport, MS)
<br> "In a culture steeped in anti-intellectualism, Crowder's book offers a challenge to those who would be faithful to Christ. Part of what it means to follow Jesus is to develop intellectual virtue--to be good thinkers--which in turn, leads to a life well-lived. In
<i>Philosophy, Who Needs It?</i>Crowder provides a biblically informed introduction to philosophy, expertly showing the tight connection between pursuing the truth and pursing Jesus as the source of truth."
<br> --Paul Gould, Assistant Professor of Philosophy &amp; Christian Apologetics, School of Theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
<br> "Crowder's book captured my interest from the beginning and sustained it until the end. Judging from the wide range of resource material and the depth of thought, a lot of work and research went into the making of this informative and stimulating book. The philosophical ideas and concepts are well supported by Scripture. The book should have a wide readership at many levels: personal, small group studies inside and outside of the church, and as a college textbook. There are many nuggets of truth in this book that made me grab my notebook and write them down for further thought and reflection. Get the book, read it, and enjoy it. You will be glad you did."
<br> --Edward Lyrene, Retired Southern Baptist Minister and Pastor
<br> "Jason Crowder has produced a very readable and practical primer on philosophy. While admitting the dangers and limitations of philosophy, he nonetheless demonstrates its benefits and even necessity for Christian discipleship of a biblically grounded and theologically informed pursuit of philosophical inquiry.
<i>Philosophy, Who Needs It?</i> will be a great resource for Christian pastors, students, and laypersons."
<br> --Steven B. Cowan, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Lincoln Memorial University; Co-author, The Love of Wisdom: A Christian Introduction to Philosophy
<br> "The author has given us a superb introduction to, and a biblical rationale for, the study of Philosophy. Further, he has clearly outlined and defended Christianity's great need to continually pursue the intellectual development of its mind. This important release could not have been more timely for our postmodern age."
<br> --Pastor Jerry Marcellino, Audubon Drive Bible Church in Laurel, Mississippi; Co-founder of FIRE (The Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals)
<br> "Every person is a philosopher, but few can articulate their philosophy of life or possess a sufficient understanding of the influences on their thinking. In Philosophy, Who Needs It?, Jason Crowder guides readers toward a greater knowledge of the nature of philosophy and aids them in developing a Christian view of life. Anyone giving careful attention to this book will walk away with a mind and heart more thoroughly shaped through Christian truth."
<br> --Scott Slayton, Lead Pastor of Chelsea Village Baptist Church (Chelsea, AL); Blogger at One Degree to Another (
<br> "In order to communicate effectively with the world regarding 'the way, the truth, and the life,' Christians should be conversant in how to approach truth and knowledge. Dr. Crowder's book provides an excellent, accessible introduction to philosophy that readers will find relevant, useful, and properly balanced with Scripture. This is the book on philosophy I can recommend to all Christians regardless of their level of experience."
<br> --Eric Odell-Hein, President, Columbia Evangelical Seminary
<br> "We are living in an emotionally-driven culture that has not often paid clear thinking its due. Such a situation is putting the proverbial 'cart-before-the horse.' The result is numerous people on a wide path paved by unexamined experiences or under-evaluated truth claims. It could be argued that the issue is not that we live in a society where intelligence is lacking, but instead that comparatively few people know how to think. Jason Crowder's
<i>Philosophy, Who Needs It?</i> comes to the rescue helping readers to get at the meaning and application of knowledge. Crowder approaches his topic as a Christian who believes that faith is foundational for understanding truth. He writes in a winsome style that is compelling, convincing, and challenging. Philosophy, Who Needs It? will be useful for high school, college, and graduate students as well as for anyone who wants to better understand the vital role of philosophy in properly evaluating the world in which we live from a biblical perspective."
<br> --Ray Rhodes Jr., President of Nourished in the Word Ministries; Author of
<i>Family Worship for the Reformation Season</i> and numerous other books and articles
<br> "Jason Crowder has written an excellent resource for parents, church leaders, and anyone who is interested in pursuing and defending truth. This practical and scholarly work shows how faith in God complements our God-given ability to think. As Crowder's pastor, I appreciate the way he utilizes proper biblical hermeneutics, church history, personal stories, and everyday illustrations to equip philosophers from all walks of life with discernment. He provides the necessary tools for sorting out and engaging the clamoring voices of formal and informal philosophers who assert their unbiblical, relativistic, politically correct views. This book is a must-read for Christians who want to effectively show and tell others that Christianity is the only logical and sustainable worldview."
<br> --James R. Albers, Pastor of Celebration Baptist Church (Wichita, KS)

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