
The Neural Crest and Neural Crest Cells in Vertebrate Development and Evolution

The Neural Crest and Neural Crest Cells in Vertebrate Development and Evolution

2nd ed. 2009

von: Brian K. Hall

CHF 177.00

Verlag: Springer
Format: PDF
Veröffentl.: 28.12.2008
ISBN/EAN: 9780387098463
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 402

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<P>A presentation of all aspects of neural crest cell origins (embryological and evolutionary) development and evolution; neural crest cell behavior (migration) and anomalies (neurocristopathies and birth defects) that arise from defective neural crest development. The treatment of development will include discussions of cellular, molecular and genetic aspects of the differentiation and morphogenesis of neural crest cells and structures derived from neural crest cells. The origins of the neural crest in embryology will be discussed using the recent information on the molecular basis of the specification of the neural crest. Also presented are the advances in our understanding of the evolution of jaws from studies on lampreys and of the neural crest from studies on ascidians and amphioxus.</P>
Discovery and Origins.- Discovery.- Embryological Origins and the Identification of Neural Crest Cells.- Delamination, Migration, and Potential.- Evolutionary Origins.- Neural-Crest Derivatives.- Pigment Cells (Chromatophores).- Neuronal Cells and Nervous Systems.- Cartilage Cells and Skeletal Systems.- Teeth and Hearts: The Odontogenic and Cardiac Neural Crests.- Abnormal Development and the Neural Crest.- Neurocristopathies.- NCC Development Revisited in the Context of Birth Defects.
<p>Dr. Brian K. Hall has devoted much of his career to the study of the evolution and development of neural crest-derived skeletal tissues. He is a University Research Professor Emeritus at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, a Visiting Distinguished Professor at Arizona State University in Tempe, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a foreign fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.</p>
<P>The evolution of the neural crest sheds light on many of the oldest unanswered questions in developmental biology, including the role of germ layers in early embryogenesis, the development of the nervous system, how the vertebrate head arose developmentally and evolutionarily, and how growth factors and Hox genes direct cell differentiation and embryonic patterning. In this new edition of his essential work, The Neural Crest in Development and Evolution, Brian Hall has provided an up-to-date technically and intellectually rigorous synthesis of knowledge of all aspects of the neural crest and of neural crest cells (NCCs). These ten chapters are organized into three parts: (I) The discovery, and developmental and evolutionary origins of the neural crest; (II) cellular and tissue derivatives of the neural crest; (III) and tumors and birth defects arising from abnormal NCCs. The genetic and cellular bases for the identification of NCCs as early as during gastrulation, for induction of the neural crest, NCC delamination, migration and differentiation — understanding of all of which has increased enormously over the past decade — are discussed in depth in Part I. The evolutionary origin(s) of the neural crest is examined through an analysis of fossils, and of cell types, genes and gene networks in extant cephalochordates (amphioxus) and in ascidians. Four chapters grouped as Part II examine all aspects of neural crest-derived pigment cells, neurons, skeletal, cardiac and tooth-forming cells, with emphasis on how and when subpopulations of NCCs are specified and how their differentiation is controlled. The two chapters in Part III revisit NCC development in the context of tumors (neurocristopathies) and birth defects, with emphasis on genetic pathways, regulation of cell populations, and whether NCCs can be considered to be stem cells. </P>
<P>About the Author:<BR>About the Author: Dr. Brian K. Hall has devoted much of his career to the study of the evolution anddevelopment of neural crest-derived skeletal tissues. He is a University Research Professor Emeritus at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, a Visiting Distinguished Professor at Arizona State University in Tempe, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a foreign fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.</P>
Presents the most recent information on the molecular basis of the specification of the neural crest, and also includes evolutionary and historical information Includes supplementary material:

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