
Power, Politics and the Fragmentation of Evangelicalism

Power, Politics and the Fragmentation of Evangelicalism

From the Scopes Trial to the Obama Administration

von: Kenneth J. Collins

CHF 19.10

Verlag: IVP Academic
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 02.08.2012
ISBN/EAN: 9780830863396
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 299

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Kenneth J. Collins tells the narrative history of the political and cultural fortunes of American evangelicalism from the late nineteenth century through the contemporary era. He traces the establishment of the evangelical enterprise in American culture and its influences on the political and social values of the American landscape throughout the twentieth century, as well as its fragmentation into competing ideological camps. Underlining how both sides of the liberal-conservative divide have diluted their message through political idioms, Collins suggests a way forward for evangelical political identity that avoids the pitfalls of fundamentalism and liberalism. Will American evangelicalism outlive its partisan history? As Kenneth Collins tells the story, there is reason to think so.

1. Cultural Shifts, the Rise of Fundamentalism and the Great Reversal

A Cultural Legacy

The Progressive Movement and the Great War

Cultural Challenges to the American Protestant Empire


Intellectual Challenges to the American Protestant Empire

Higher Criticism of the Bible


The Scopes Trial

The Wesleyan and Pentecostal Difference

The Social Gospel

The Great Reversal

The Fundamentalist Dilemma

2. Fundamentalism, Neo-Evangelicalism and the Search for Power

The Great Depression and Its Aftermath

The New Deal

The Shifting Theological Context

The Rise of the Neo-Evangelicals

The Infrastructure of Neo-Evangelicalism

The National Association of Evangelicals

Christianity Today

Fuller Theological Seminary

The Ministry of Billy Graham

The Popularity of Religion and the Threat of Communism

Wesleyan Evangelicals Coalesce

The Civil Rights Movement

3. Evangelicals, the Religious Right and the Moral Life of the Nation

The Great Society and an Activist Supreme Court

Social Action and the Young Evangelicals

Watergate and the Election of an Evangelical President

The Rise of the New Religious Right

The Christian Coalition

Culture Wars

Wesleyan Evangelicals and the Religious Right

Evangelicals and Catholics Together

Conservative Evangelicals and the Republican Party

4. Evolution, Intelligent Design and the Transformation of Culture?

The Scopes Trial Revisited?

Evolution as Neo-Darwinism

Theistic Evolution

Leading Wesleyan Evangelicals (and Others) Debate Theistic Evolution

Neo-Darwinism as a Sufficient Explanation

Intelligent Design

A Working Definition of Intelligent Design

The Intellectual Strategy of Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design's Critique of Mutation and Natural Selection

Michael Behe and Irreducible Complexity

William Dembski and Complex Specified Information

Making Way for Doubt and Ambiguity: Laughlin, Anderson, Himmelfarb and Berlinski

Methodological Naturalism and the Wedge

Methodological Discipline?

Metaphysical Naturalism

The Cultural Strategy of Intelligent Design

The Supreme Court and Evolution

The Judiciary Declares Intelligent Design a Religion and Defines Science

5. The Resurgence of the Evangelical Left

The Rise of the Evangelical Left

The Politics of the Evangelical Left

Jim Wallis

Tony Campolo

Brian McLaren

Jimmy Carter

The Housing Crisis as a Case Study in Political Mischief and Confusion

Leftist Political Philosophy and the Modern Democratic State

Where the Evangelical Left Falters

The Manhattan Declaration

The Evangelical Left Falters Again

6. Beyond Ideology: The Renewal of Catholicity and the Development of an Evangelical Political Philosophy

The Rise of Barack Obama

The Public Voice of the Church

Yoder to the Rescue?

Come to Church and Get Alienated

The Challenges of the Modern Liberal Democratic State

A New Kind of Secularism

Revisioning Separation of Church and State

People of Faith as Second Class Citizens

Separation of Church and State Has Become Separation of Church and Culture

The Priority of the Church or Democracy?

What?s an Evangelical to Do?

The Beginnings of a Political Philosophy


What Kind of Power?
Kenneth J. Collins (Ph.D., Drew University) is professor of Historical Theology and Wesley Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. He has published several books including The Theology of John Wesley (Abingdon, 2007), The Evangelical Moment (Baker, 2005) and John Wesley: A Theological Journey (Abingdon, 2003).

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