Atmospheric Multiphase Chemistry, I by Akimoto

Atmospheric Multiphase Chemistry

Fundamentals of Secondary Aerosol Formation

Hajime Akimoto

National Institute for Environmental Studies
Tsukuba, Japan

Jun Hirokawa

Hokkaido University
Sapporo, Japan




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Reaction kinetics and mechanism are a significant part of the fundamentals of atmospheric chemistry. The chemical reaction system in the atmosphere is composed of homogeneous reactions in the gas and liquid phases and heterogeneous processes involving particle surfaces. Among them, the study of gas‐phase homogeneous reaction system in the atmosphere has evolved since the Chapman theory in the 1930s to explain the stratospheric ozone layer, and developed dramatically after 1970s with photochemical air pollution as a trigger. It is now almost established and summarized in many bibliographies, including a book by one of present authors (H.A.) discussed in Chapter 3.

In contrast, although the heterogeneous reaction system in the atmosphere has developed substantially with acid rain and stratospheric ozone hole as turning points, the studies have long been confined mainly to inorganic species. The research field of aerosols and heterogeneous kinetics has undergone dramatic changes since the 2000s, when the importance of secondary organic aerosols as cloud condensation nuclei was pointed out. Also, secondary organic aerosols have been recognized as important as inorganic sulfate and nitrate as a constituent of PM2.5, which is concerned from the point of human health.

The formation mechanism of secondary organic aerosols involves condensation of reaction products of homogeneous gas‐phase reactions, uptake of the gas‐phase products onto the particle surface, complex formation and reaction at the interface, homogeneous aqueous‐phase reaction, and evaporation from a particle to the gas phase. We call series of these processes multiphase reaction chemistry.

This book intends to serve as a reference book on fundamentals of atmospheric multiphase chemistry. Gas‐ and aqueous‐phase reactions, heterogeneous oxidation processes, and air–water interface and solid particle surface reactions related to secondary organic aerosol formation are first described. After that, new particle formation, cloud condensation nucleus activity, and field observation of organic aerosols are discussed. The book can serve as a comprehensive reference for graduate students and professionals who are interested in homogeneous and heterogeneous atmospheric reactions of organic species related to aerosols.

The field of atmospheric multiphase chemistry is still a rapidly developing research area. Many studies described in this book have not become fully established, and future revisions are likely.

Finally, we would like to acknowledge Drs. Michihiro Mochida, Satoshi Inomata, Kei Sato, Yasuhiro Sadanaga, and Shinichi Enami, who read the manuscript in their respective parts and gave us valuable comments.

October, 2019

Hajime Akimoto
Jun Hirokawa