Todd Hicks

The Todd Hicks Collection of Short Stories and Poems

Fed up with a lazy shipmate, the lieutenant of the pirate crew makes him walk the plank. The pirates go on to raid two cities. They don't go down quietly when the police commandeer their ship. After Samuel Frock grabs the gold Jerry Goldfinger found first, Jerry punches him. The men then get into a deadly fight. Upon Sam walking away with Jerry's share of the gold, another man robs Sam of his stash; chaos soon ensues. The police come and force those in the crowd to compete in a shooting contest to win gold. While a snake handler is in flight the snakes he boarded in a secure cage use their unusual strength and cunning to break free. After entering the cabin they bite passengers. The flight crew needs the snake handler's help to get the snakes under control. Spotting a fox in the woods, a hunter decides to kill him. The fox must outwit him to avoid becoming his next meal.

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The Todd Hicks Collection of Short Stories and Poems


By Todd Hicks


Copyright by Todd Hicks in March 2016









































About The Book


This is a collection of short stories and poems written by Todd Hicks. You will read stories about a pirate raid, bears raiding a city, a fox outwitting a hunter, snakes hijacking an airplane and a cat chasing a mouse. A western is included too.