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Teaching Naked Techniques

A Practical Guide to Designing Better Classes

José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson







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  1. A Capella Science
  2. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
  3. Aamodt, S.
  4. Abbott, Brenda Hardin (Bay Path University)
  5. Abowd, G. D.
  6. Active learning, semantic networks strategy for
  7. Active Learning in the College Classroom (Paulson and Faust)
  8. Active Learning Increases Student Performance in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics” (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
  9. Active Learning with Dr. Richard Felder (Duke Center for Instructional Technology)
  10. ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation)
  11. Advance organizers
  12. Affinity research group (ARG) model
  13. Alber, J.
  14. Aldrich, H.
  15. Allen, M.
  16. Alsop, D.
  17. Association of American Colleges and Universities
  18. American Association of University Professors
  19. American Psychologist
  20. Ames, M.
  21. “An Investigation into the Impact of Facebook Group sage on Students' Affect in Language Learning in a Thai Context”(International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education)
  22. Analogies, asking students to create
  23. Analyzing
  24. Anderson, A. D.
  25. Anderson, G.
  26. Anderson, L. W.
  27. Andrews, W.
  28. Angelo, T. A.
  29. Anki
  30. Anseel, F.
  31. Antonellis, Paul J., Jr. (Merrimack College)
  32. Application
  33. Applying
  34. Aratani, L.
  35. Arcadia University
  36. Art of Changing the Brain (Zull)
  37. Assessment; interconnected nature of goals, learning design, and Fig. 9.1; leveraging Bloom to align assessment; two different meanings of
  38. Astin, A. W.
  39. Asynchronous debates
  40. Atlantic Monthly
  41. Audacity
  42. Ausubel, D. P.
  43. Automatic Sync Technologies
  44. Ayduk, O.
  45. Ayoub, A.


  1. Bach, R.
  2. Badoo
  3. Bain, K.
  4. Bakhtin, M. M.
  5. Baldwin, James Mark
  6. Bandura, A.
  7. Banga
  8. Barbezat, D. P.
  9. Barkley, E. F.
  10. Barnard College
  11. Barron, A. E.
  12. Barzun, Jacques
  13. Baton Rouge Community College
  14. Bay Path University
  15. Bean, J. C.
  16. Beichner, R. J.
  17. Beilock, S. L.
  18. Bembenutty, H.
  19. Beus, J.
  20. Biggs, J.
  21. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  22. Bjork, R.
  23. Blackboard
  24. Blakeslee, T.
  25. Blendr
  26. Bloom, B. S.
  27. Bloom's taxonomy
  28. Bohemian Gravity! (A Capella Science)
  29. Bongey, S. B.
  30. Born, J.
  31. Borup, J.
  32. Bostedo‐Conway, K.
  33. Bowen, H.
  34. Bowen, J. A. (Goucher College)
  35. Boyer, K. P.
  36. Branch, R. M.
  37. Brent, R.
  38. Briggs, C.
  39. Brightspace
  40. Brookfield, S. D.
  41. Brookhart, S. M.
  42. Brotherton, J. A.
  43. Brown, M.
  44. Brown, P. C.
  45. Brown, Peter Scott (University of North Florida)
  46. Brown University
  47. Bruff, D.
  48. Buchel, C.
  49. Bumble
  50. Burn, H. E.
  51. Bush, M.
  52. Butler, C.


  1. Calandra, B.
  2. Calibrated Peer Review (CPR; Regents of the University of California)
  3. California College of the Arts
  4. Cameron, B.
  5. Camtasia
  6. Cañas, A. J.
  7. Canvas
  8. Capstones
  9. Carette, B.
  10. Caring
  11. Carless, D.
  12. Carlson, S.
  13. Carnegie Mellon University; Eberly Center
  14. Carnes, M. C.
  15. Case for Working with your Hands (Crawford)
  16. Case studies
  17. Cashin, W. E.
  18. Cast for Education
  19. Cavanagh, S. R.
  20. Center for Teaching Excellence
  21. Cepeda, N. J.
  22. Chambliss, D. F.
  23. Chan, L. K.
  24. Change, motivating
  25. Checklists
  26. Cheers, C.
  27. Cherubini, Jason (Goucher College)
  28. Cheyne, J. A.
  29. Chickering, A.
  30. Chong, Alexandra
  31. Christensen, C.
  32. Christian, W.
  33. Chronicle of Higher Education
  34. Citrus College
  35. Cizadlo, G.
  36. Clark, R. C.
  37. Classroom activities: clickers and polling; collaborative learning; confronting contradiction and motivating change; discovery; peer review writing; preclass assignments and incentives for; preclass assignments for; preclass preparation for discussion; problem solving; purposeful games for; reflection; revealing surprise; role playing, games, and simulations; studios and labs
  38. Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers (Angelo and Cross)
  39. Classrooms, massively better; avoiding punitive measures; connecting with preclass assignments; creating prompts for writing and discussion; designing classroom activities; further resources for; key concepts for; lead better discussions; leading to answer; step‐by‐step guide for
  40. Clickers
  41. Cmap
  42. Cochran, H. H.
  43. Coffee Meets Bagel
  44. Cognitive Enhancement of Education (Roedigger)
  45. Cognitive wrapper template: adjustment; comparison; rationale; reflection
  46. Cognitive wrappers; adapting; key concepts; learning projects as; for writing. See also Critical thinking, metacognition, and cognitive wrappers
  47. Coleman, J. R.
  48. Collaborative learning
  50. Coltrain, John
  51. Columbia University
  52. Common language; example for
  53. Conant, J. B.
  54. Concept maps; and reflective writing
  55. Concordia University, Ann Arbor
  56. Concordia University Wisconsin
  57. Contradiction, confronting
  58. Cooper, J. M.
  59. Copley, J.
  60. Cordts, Marcia L. (University of Iowa)
  61. Corkhill, B.
  62. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly (The AffinityResearch Group Model)
  63. Course design: clarify what you want your students to learn (step 1); consider advance organizer for class (step 5); consider checklist for assignment (step 4); create rubrics (step 3); write learning goals for students (step 2)
  64. Coursera
  65. Cowan, N.
  66. Cowen, T.
  67. CrashCourse (YouTube)
  68. Crawford, M. B.
  69. Creating
  70. Critical thinking, metacognition, and cognitive wrappers; adapting cognitive wrappers; affinity research group (ARG) model for; assessing others to foster metacognition; cognitive wrapper template for; further resources for; key concepts; learning projects as cognitive wrappers; semantic networks as active learning strategy; step‐by‐step guide for; wrappers for writing
  71. Croft, T.
  72. Cross, K. P.
  73. Cullen, D.
  74. CyberLink YouCam


  1. Daily lesson plans
  2. Dale, C.
  3. Daley, A.
  4. Damasio, A.
  5. Damasio, H.
  6. Dartmouth
  7. Davidson College
  8. Davis, Miles
  9. Debora, V. T.
  10. DeFrancesco, V.
  11. Dehaene, S.
  12. Dekkers, J.
  13. Delaware Technical Community College
  14. Della Sala, S.
  15. Dement, W.
  16. Dempster, F. N.
  17. Dennen, V. P.
  18. Design Meets Disability (Pullin)
  19. Designing, for brain and body
  20. Desire2Learn
  21. Dewar, M. T.
  22. Dewey, J.
  23. Dey, E. L.
  24. Diekelmann, S.
  25. Digital content: completing key preparatory tasks before recording; considering accessibility for; creating own; crowdsourcing video for; CyberLink YouCam for; determining how students will access audio and video files online; further resources for; key concepts for; selecting appropriate hardware for recording; selecting appropriate software for recording; step‐by‐step guide for creating own; use of Camtasia for; use of VoiceThread for; videos + textbooks + quizzes (example); YouTube channels for
  26. Digital storytelling
  27. Dinges, D. F.
  28. Directed thought (Piaget)
  29. Discernment
  30. Discipline
  31. Discovery, in classroom activities
  32. D'Mello, S.
  33. Dollar, C. B.
  34. Donath, S.
  35. Doolittle, P. E.
  36. Down
  37. Doyle, T.
  38. Duckworth, A.
  39. Duggan, M.
  40. Duke Center for Instructional Technology
  41. Dunlap, J. C.
  42. Dweck, C.
  43. Dwyer, F.


  1. Eberly Center (Carnegie Mellon University)
  2. E‐communication; asynchronous debates; be consistent; create your e‐communication schedule; determine which platform to use; distribute e‐communication policy; establish virtual office hours; find ways to talk face‐to‐face; further resources for; key concepts in; matching social media to learning goals; multitasking and student devices in classroom; starting with e‐mail; step‐by‐step guide for; use e‐communication for some basics; using Facebook for; using Google Plus for; using Pinterest for
  3. E‐communication platforms: class website or blog; e‐mail; Facebook; Google; Instagram; LMS; Pinterest; text; Twitter
  4. E‐communication policy template
  5. Eddy, S. L.
  6. Educating the Reflective Practitioner (Schön)
  7. Education Arcade
  8. EDUCAUSE; Center for Analysis and Research
  9. edX
  10. Eliot, C.
  11. Ellis, S.
  12. Engaging Ideas (Bean)
  13. Entry point. See Instructions/entry point
  14. “E‐portfolio Pedagogy, Technology, and Scholarship” (Educational Technology)
  15. Epstein Educational Enterprises
  16. “Eric Mazur Shows Interactive Teaching” (Mazur)
  17. Ericson, Becky (George Mason University)
  18. Erskine, John
  19. Evaluating
  20. Evans, C.
  21. Exam Wrappers (Carnegie Mellon University)
  22. “Experimenting with Facebook in the College Classroom” (Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications)
  23. “Exploring the Relationship between Student‐Instructor Interaction on Twitter and Student Perceptions of Teacher Behaviors” (International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education)
  24. Eynon, B.


  1. Facebook
  2. Faillenot, I.
  3. Failure: accepting; acknowledging; avoiding; embracing, and modeling change
  4. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  5. Faust, J. L.
  6. Feedback: FIDeLity best practices for; grading and; online exams; screencasting; sequencing; structured, with pecha kucha; video
  7. Felder, R. M.
  8. Feldman, K. A.
  9. Fernández, G.
  10. Fernandez, V.
  11. FERPA. See Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  12. FIDeLity (acronym; Fink)
  13. Field, P.
  14. Fink, L. D.
  15. Fitzgerald, Ella
  16. Flash cards
  17. Flavell, J. H.
  18. Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition
  19. Focus
  20. Fostering Critical Reflection in Adulthood (Mezirow)
  21. Foundational knowledge
  22. Fox, Ann M.
  23. Franks, V. W.
  24. Fredricksen, E. E.
  25. Free Book Notes
  26. FreeConferenceCall
  27. Freeman, S.
  28. FreeMind
  30. Friedman‐Wheeler, Dara (Goucher College)
  31. From Brain to Mind (Zull)


  1. Gaab, N.
  2. Gagné, R.
  3. Gais, S.
  4. Gallup‐Healthways Well‐Being 5
  5. Gallup–Purdue
  6. Gambino, L. M.
  8. Games; purposeful
  9. Gamson, Z.
  10. GarageBand (Apple)
  11. Garland, Red
  12. Gartner, Inc.
  13. Garvin, D.
  14. Gates, A. Q.
  15. Gates Foundation
  16. Gavrin, A.
  17. Gee, J. P.
  18. Geist, J. R.
  19. General Education in a Free Society (Harvard University)
  20. Generation Z
  21. George Mason University
  22. Georgia Gwinnett College
  23. Gerdes, D.
  24. Gillespie, Dizzy
  25. Goal sheets
  26. Goals: harmonizing cognitive and content; identifying learning; matching social media to learning; as organizational structure; providing clear; writing learning, for your students
  27. Godeanu‐Kenworthy, Oana (Miami University)
  28. Goldstein, D. S.
  29. Goober
  30. Goodman, Rae Jean B. (U.S. Naval Academy)
  31. Google; Apps for Education; Arts and Culture Project; Books; Docs; Drive; Education; Forms; Group; Hangout; Plus; Scholar
  32. Goucher College
  33. Grace, M.
  34. Grading and feedback; calculating grades; considering type of feedback to be provided; frequent performance and feedback cycles; further resources for; interconnected nature of goals, learning design, and assessment Fig. 9.1; key concepts for; learning to use online grade book; leveraging Bloom to align assessments; peer review of in‐class performances; providing clear goals, rubrics, and assignments for; screencasting feedback; step‐by‐step guide for; structured feedback with pecha kucha; trying video feedback; writing less and sequencing feedback
  35. Grading and Performance Rubrics (Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation)
  36. Graham, C. R.
  37. Graham, M. J.
  38. Grand Valley State University
  39. Great Jobs Great Lives (Gallup‐Purdue)
  40. Grinberg, E.
  41. Gross, D.
  42. GroupMe
  43. Guide to Rating Critical and Integrative Thinking (Washington State University)
  44. Gurin, P.
  45. Gustafson, K. L.


  1. Hafer, G. R.
  2. Hake, R. R.
  3. Hamilton, R. W.
  4. Harmon‐Jones, E.
  5. Harnish, J.
  6. Harrity, M. B.
  7. Hart Research Associates
  8. Harvard University; Law School
  9. Henaff, M. A.
  10. Henderson, M. D.
  11. Hessler, Brooke, California College of the Arts
  12. Hewlett Foundation
  13. Hinge
  14. Hiss, W. C.
  15. History of France (Google video search) Fig. 2.2
  16. Hitch
  17. Hodgin, G. L.
  18. Hogan, K.
  19. Holiday, Billie
  20. Homework. See Preclass assignments
  21. Homework logs
  22. Hootsuite
  23. Hopman, R. J.
  24. Hot or Not (dating site)
  25. How About We (dating site)
  26. How to Create and Use Rubrics for Formative Assessment and Grading (Brookhart)
  27. How We Think (Dewey)
  28. Hu, C.
  29. Huber, M. T.
  30. Hugg, R.
  31. Hughes, C.
  32. Human dimension
  33. Human relationships: accepting failure; acknowledge failure; avoiding failure; be intentional about encouragement and praise; be transparent and build trust; becoming approachable; being human; design your own humanity and authenticity into your pedagogy; developing student self‐efficacy; embracing failure and modeling change; further resources for; key concepts in; model change; pedagogy as; prepare to fail; six common active learning mistakes Tab. 13.1; step‐by‐step guide for
  34. Hunt, A. N.
  35. Hutchings, P.


  1. Immordino‐Yang, M. H.
  2. Indiana University, South Bend
  3. Indiana University‐Purdue University, Indianapolis
  4. Information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (U.S. Department of Justice)
  5. Inside Higher Ed.
  6. Instagram
  7. Instructions/entry point; assignment; consider reading summary sites; creating entry point; designing reading assignments; entry points for deep learning; entry points into sensitive subjects; further resources for; key concepts for; making instructions personal, conditional, and motivating; providing better; step‐by‐step guide for; turning what matters to students into what matters to you; understanding what matters to your students; using Google Drive for; using Google Forms for; using technology for questioning
  8. Integrated courses and sequence; breaking down your learning outcomes; building “beehive”; course‐level design; create course learning outcomes; design sequence and activities for individual units of learning modules; designing sequence; further resources for; harmonize cognitive and content goals; honeycomb diagram for course design Fig. 11.2; isolation and integration; key components of integrated course design Fig. 11.1; key concepts in; learning goal example for Honeycomb #1; learning goal example for Honeycomb #2; look for connections; make honey; one honeycomb cell Fig. 11.6; organizing topics into thematic structure Fig. 11.3; step‐by‐step guide for; Teaching Naked design process Fig. 11.5; Teaching Naked design process: micro cycle; Teaching Naked macro‐course design template Exhibit 11.1
  9. Integrated learning and integrated experiences; art history major; classrooms and learning spaces; collaborate on integrative curriculum; common rubrics; consider classroom design and environment; critical and integrative thinking; emphasize diet, water, and exercise; e‐portfolios and student retention software; e‐portfolios for; further resources for; general education and change; incorporate emotion into design; introductory courses; key concepts in; provide common rubrics; scaffolded general education curriculum; SCALE‐UP classroom for 72 students Fig. 12.1; step‐by‐step guide for; structure of majors; talk about brain; time for reflection; use of e‐portfolios
  10. Integration
  11. Integrative curriculum
  12. International Journal of ePortfolio
  13. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  14. Intrator, S. M.
  15. Introduction to Rubrics (Stevens and Levi)
  16. Introspective observation (James)
  17. iRubric
  18. iTunes


  1. James, William
  2. Jankowski, N.
  3. Jensen, F. E.
  4. Jenson, J. C.
  5. JiTT. See Just‐in‐time teaching (JiTT)
  6. Johnson‐Laird, P. N.
  8. Jonsson, A.
  9. Jordt, H.
  10. Journal of Advanced Academics
  11. Journal of Effective Teaching
  12. Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
  13. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching
  14. Juncosa, Barbara (Citrus College)
  15. Just‐in‐time teaching (JiTT)


  1. Kahoot!
  2. Kalnbach, L.
  3. Kaltura
  4. Karnad, A.
  5. Karpicke, J. D.
  6. Kaufman, Jason (Minnesota State University, Mankato)
  7. Kegan, R.
  8. Kennison, Kendall (Goucher College)
  9. Kephart, K.
  10. Kersten, I.H.P.
  11. Keyek‐Fransen, D.
  12. Khan, Salman
  13. Khan Academy; Smarthistory
  14. Khan videos, assigning
  15. Kinzie, J.
  16. Kirschner, P. A.
  17. Klein, K.
  18. Knowlton, D. S.
  19. “Known Fragmentations and Needed Frameworks” (Journal on Excellence in College Teaching)
  20. Kohlberg, Lawrence
  21. Kolowich, S.
  22. Kosoff, M.
  23. Kraehling, Gretchen (McDaniel College)
  24. Krathwohl, D. R.
  25. Krolak‐Salmon, P.
  26. Kuehn, B. M.
  27. Kuh, G. D.


  1. Labs
  2. Lahey, L. L.
  3. Lambert, K.
  4. Lane, C.
  5. Langer, E. J.
  6. “Last Word: An Interview with Harris Cooper“ (Journal of Advanced Academics)
  7. Lavern, Sarah (Concordia University Wisconsin)
  8. Learn, learning how to
  9. Learning: behaviors; and technology
  10. Learning Goals Inventory (Barkley and Major)
  11. Learning management systems (LMS)
  12. Learning outcomes; progressive; reinforcing; sequencing, with activities
  13. Learning projects, as cognitive wrappers
  14. “Leave It in the Bag” (Inside Higher Ed.)
  15. Lee, M. J.
  16. Lenoir‐Rhyne University
  17. Leupen, Sarah (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
  18. Leveraging the ePortfolio for Integrative Learning (Reynolds and Patton)
  19. Levi, A. J.
  20. Lievens, F.
  21. Livingston, J. A.
  22. LMS. See Learning management systems
  23. Loch, B.
  24. Lonn, S.
  25. Lorenzo, M.
  26. Lovejoy, Arthur
  27. Lovett, M. C.
  28. Lowenthal, P. R.
  29. Lowman, J.
  30. Lulu
  31. Luna, G.


  1. Maas, J. B.
  2. Mahoney, E.
  3. Maislin, G.
  4. Majestro, Regina (Spaulding University)
  5. Major, C. H.
  6. Make it Stick: the Science of Successful Learning (Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel)
  7. Malhotra, N.
  8. Mapping Learning Outcomes (Jankowski)
  9. Marra, T.
  10. Marrs, K.
  11. Massy, W. F.
  12. Matney, M.
  13. Maxwell, M.
  14. Mayer, R. E.
  15. Mazur, E.
  16. Mazur Group
  17. McArthur, J. A.
  18. McCarthy, J.
  19. McColl, A.
  20. McComb, Veronica (Lenoir‐Rhyne University)
  21. McCorkle, Sarah (Wake Forest University)
  22. McDaniel, M.
  23. McDaniel College
  24. McDonough, M.
  25. McGuire, S.
  26. McKay, Gretchen Kreahling (McDaniel College)
  27. Means, Tawnya (University of Florida)
  28. Medina, J.
  29. Memory and Cognition
  30. Menand, L.
  31. Menary, R.
  32. “Mental Models and Cognitive Change” (Journal of Cognitive Psychology)
  33. Merlot (
  34. Merriënboer, J. J. G.
  35. Merrimack College
  36. Merville, A.
  37. Metacognition. See Critical thinking, metacognition, and cognitive wrappers
  38. Metacognition, assessing others to foster
  39. Metacognition: An Overview (Livingston)
  40. “Metacognition and Cognitive Monitoring” (American Psychologist)
  41. Meyers, C.
  42. Mezirow, J.
  43. Miami University
  44. Michigan Technological University
  45. Microassignments
  46. Miller, Alice (Goucher College)
  47. Miller, Mary (Baton Rouge Community College)
  48. Millis, B. J.
  49. Mills, A. (Otterbein University)
  50. Mills, J.
  51. Mindful learning
  52. Mindset Kit
  54. Minnesota State University, Mankato
  55. Mischel, W.
  56. Mitchell, Mathew (University of San Francisco)
  57. Model of Learning Objectives (Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Iowa State University)
  58. Mölle, M.
  59. Molzow, I
  60. MOOCs (massive open online courses)
  61. Moore, Katherine (Arcadia University)
  62. Moreno, P. A.
  63. Morgan, Paul (Spaulding University)
  64. Morris, C.
  65. Morris, R. G. M.
  66. Mortensen, Chris (University of Florida)
  67. Motivation
  68. Movie Maker (Windows)
  69. Moyano‐Camihort, K.
  70. MPortfolio Project
  71. Mueller, P. A.
  72. Mullington, J. M.


  1. Napping May Not Be Such a No‐No” (Harvard Health Letter), xix
  2. National Science Foundation
  3. National Teaching and Learning Forum Newsletter
  4. New Media Consortium
  5. New Science of Learning (Doyle and Zakrajsek)
  6. Newcomb, T. M.
  7. Newport, Shelby (University of Michigan, Flint)
  8. Nine Alternatives to Lecturing (Center for Teaching Excellence)
  9. Nine Events of Instruction (Gagné)
  10. Norming
  11. Northeastern Illinois University
  12. Novak, G.
  13. Novak, J. D.
  14. Nutt, A. E.
  15. Nygard, S.


  1. OERs (open education resources)
  2. OkCupid
  3. Okoroafor, N.
  4. Online content: adding analysis to; assigning Khan Videos (example); example for adding analysis; example for finding better content; finding, for first exposure; finding better; further resources in; investigating games and other learning tools; key concepts in; scientific videos (example); search for video; step‐by‐step guide for use of; student use of devices for academic work‐2014 Fig. 2.1; students curating content (example)
  5. Online exams: feedback; for feedback through LMS; further responses for; grades, thinking, and learning; immediate feedback assessment technique for feedback; to improve student preparation for class; just‐in‐time teaching and process‐oriented guided inquiry learning; just‐in‐time teaching (JiTT) for; key concepts for; and online quizzing before class; reason for multiple choice; selecting controversial content; step‐by‐step guide for; stimulating harder thinking; using Bloom format for; using Bloom in quizzing in; writing answers for
  6. Online grade book
  7. OnMusic Dictionary (
  8. ooVoo
  9. Open Education Database (
  10. Open Textbook Library (
  11. OpenStax College
  12. OpenYale
  13. Oppenheimer, D. M.
  14. Optimal conflict
  15. Oser, K.
  16. Otterbein University


  1. Padovan, C.
  2. Pajares, F.
  3. Palmer, P.
  4. Panopto
  5. Parker, Charlie
  6. Pascarella, E. T.
  7. Pasher, H.
  8. Pashler, H.
  9. Passion
  10. Pathways Report
  11. Patterson, E.
  12. Patton, J.
  13. Paulson, D. R.
  14. Paunesku, D.
  15. Pavio, A.
  16. Pecha kucha
  17. Pedagogy; as design; design own humanity and authenticity into your; as human relationships
  18. Peer review writing
  19. Peet, M.
  20. Pekrun, R.
  21. Pennington, Richard (Georgia Gwinnett College)
  22. Perera, Graciela (Northeastern Illinois University)
  23. Perrin, M.
  24. Perry, W. G., Jr.
  25. Phan, H. P.
  26. PhET (University of Colorado)
  27. Philosophical Investigations (Wittgenstein)
  28. Piaget, Jean
  29. Pietri, E. S.
  30. Pinterest
  31. PlentyofFish
  32. POGIL Project
  33. Polling
  34. Positive self‐efficacy
  35. Pourciau, Todd (Baton Rouge Community College)
  36. Powell, Bud
  37. Powell, R. E.
  38. “Power of Believing That You Can Improve” (TED: Ideas Worth Spreading)
  39. PowerPoint (Microsoft)
  40. Preclass assignments; asking students to create analogies; authentic problems and online discussions; concept maps and reflective writing; connecting with; considering sequence and failure; creating micro assignments and index cards for attendance; daily lesson plans; developing concept maps for; digital storytelling; further resources for; games and other tools; and homework; identifying learning goals and tasks; incentives for; key concepts for; offering case studies; for preparing students for class; requiring homework logs; step‐by‐step guide for; using flash cards, polling, and simple quiz tools; using motivating instructions; writing toward outcomes
  41. Preset, A.
  42. Pressley, M.
  43. Primary trait analysis (PTA)
  44. Problem solving
  45. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
  46. Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL Project)
  47. Procter, Nicolas W. (Simpson College)
  48. “Project for Education Research that Scales” (Mindset kit)
  49. “Promoting Self‐Regulation and Critical Reflection through Writing Students' Use of Electronic Portfolios” (International Journal of ePortfolio)
  50. Prompts
  51. Protein BDNF
  52. Provocation, as questioning technique
  53. PTA (primary trait analysis)
  54. Pullin, G.
  55. Punitive measures
  56. Putnam, A. L.


  1. Qualitative Research Methods
  2. Quizlet


  1. Ramdass, D.
  2. Ramirez, G.
  3. Rasch, B.
  4. RateMyProfessor
  5. Ratey, J. J.
  6. Reacting to the Past: Barnard College; Carnes
  7. Reed, Jessie (Spaulding University)
  8. REEF Polling
  9. Reflection
  10. Reflective Practitioner (Schön)
  11. Regents of the University of California
  12. Reinsel, Joe (University of Michigan, Flint)
  13. Remembering
  14. Reynolds, C.
  15. Ricci, A.
  16. Rice University
  17. Richardson, J. C.
  18. Richlin, L.
  19. Riggio, Gina (Delaware Technical Community College)
  20. Riley, J.
  21. Roach, S.
  22. Robbins, R. S.
  23. Roberts, Arthur (University of Georgia)
  24. Roberts, Rebecca (Ursinus College)
  25. Robinson, M.
  26. Robinson, M. D.
  27. Rodriguez, M. I.
  28. Roediger, H. L., III
  29. Rohrer, D.
  30. Role playing
  31. Rosenberg, J. L.
  32. Rubistar
  33. Rubrics; best practice for; college writing rubric example Tab. 1.1; students using (example)
  35. Ruch, Lisa (Bay Path University)
  36. Ruhl, K.
  37. Rust, R. T.
  38. Rutherford, R.J.D.


  1. Sallan, J. M.
  2. Sana, F.
  3. Saunders, P. M.
  4. Scaffolding
  5. SCALE‐UP (Student‐Centered Active Learning Environments with Upside‐Down Pedagogies)
  6. Schacter, D. L.
  7. Schlaug, G.
  8. Schloss, P.
  9. Schön, D. A.
  10. Schuh, J. H.
  11. Schwehm, Jeffery (Concordia University)
  12. Screencasting
  13. Screencast‐O‐Matic
  14. Scribner, M.
  15. Seemiller, C.
  16. Seidensticker, B.
  17. Seitz, A. R.
  18. “Self‐Efficacy: An Essential Motive to Learn” (Contemporary Educational Psychology)
  19. Self‐examination (Socrates)
  20. Seli, P.
  21. Selka, M. J. G.
  22. Sendziuk, P.
  23. Sequence: considering, and failure; designing, and activities for individual units of learning modules
  25. Shams, L.
  26. Sharma, Ajay (University of Georgia)
  27. Shim, W.
  28. Shoda, Y.
  29. Siegel, D. J.
  30. Silver, N.
  31. Simo, P.
  32. Simple Free Learning Tools for Students and Teachers (Quizlet)
  33. Simpson College
  34. Simulations
  35. “Sink or Swim?” (International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education)
  36. Siri
  37. Skinner, B. F.
  38. Skype
  39. Smallwood, J.
  40. Smarthistory website (Khan Academy)
  41. Smilek, D.
  42. Smith, Anthony (Indiana University, South Bend)
  43. Smith, G.
  44. Smith, M. A.
  45. Smith, M. K.
  46. Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura)
  47. Socrates
  48. Socratic Method research portal
  49. Soehren, S. E.
  50. Soong, S.K.A.
  51. Southern Methodist University; Meadows School of the Arts
  52. Spaulding University
  53. Sperber, D.
  54. Spitzer, B. J.
  55. Spreecast
  56. Stachowiak, Bonni (Vanguard University)
  57. Stanford University
  58. STATA
  59. Strayer, D. L.
  60. Sternberg, R. J.
  61. Stevens, D. D.
  62. Stickgold, R.
  63. Straumsheim, C.
  64. Strayer, D. L.
  65. Stuart, J.
  66. Student devices, in classroom
  67. Student‐Centered Active Learning Environments with Upside‐Down Pedagogies (SCALE‐UP)
  68. Studies in Higher Education
  69. Studios
  70. Summary sites
  71. Sunstein, C. R.
  72. Surprise, revealing
  73. Survey of Instructional Design Models (Gustafson and Branch)
  74. Svingby, G.
  75. Swan, K.
  76. Sweet, A.
  77. Szpunar, K. K.


  1. Takacs, C. G.
  2. Talbert, Robert (Grand Valley State University)
  3. “Talking with Students through Screencasting” (Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy)
  4. Talks to Teachers on Psychology (James)
  5. Tananuraksakul, N.
  6. Tang, C.
  7. Taxonomy of Significant Learning (Fink)
  8. Teaching Naked: design process Fig. I.2 Fig. 11.5; design process: micro cycle; macro‐course design template Exhibit 11.1; micro‐cycle Exhibit 11.4; micro‐cycle design template 1 Exhibit 11.2; micro‐cycle design template 2 Exhibit 11.3; thumbnail summary of essentials of human learning Teaching Naked design process Fig. I.1
  9. TechSmith
  10. TED
  11. TED Talks
  12. Teaching with the Heart (Intrator and Scribner)
  13. Tejada, Laura (Northeastern Illinois University)
  14. “Ten Benefits of Testing and their Applications to Educational Practice” (Psychology of Learning and Motivation)
  15. Terenzini, P. T.
  16. Terry, K.
  17. “Testing Effect in Free Recall is Associated with Enhanced Organizational Processes” (Memory and Cognition)
  18. Thaler, R. H.
  19. The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX)
  20. The Opera Platform
  21. The Courage to Teach (Palmer)
  23. Thomas, R. A.
  24. Thompson, R.
  25. Thompson‐Sellers, I.
  26. Thorsen, Denise (University of Alaska, Fairbanks)
  27. 3PlayMedia
  28. Throop, Susanna (Ursinus College)
  29. Tinder
  30. Tinder Plus
  31. Top Hat
  32. Török, J.
  33. Transparency: advance organizers; checklists; and clearer targets; common language; common language for; course goals as organizational structure for; further resources for; goal sheet for; key concepts for; learning outcomes; progressive learning outcomes for; reinforcing learning outcomes for; rubrics; sequencing learning outcomes with activities for; step‐by‐step guide to designing course; students using rubrics for
  34. Transparency in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Wilkemes)
  35. Trilling, Lionel
  36. Trust, be transparent and build
  37. Tsui, L.
  38. Turrill, J.
  39. Twitter


  1. Udacity
  2. Understanding
  3. University of Alaska, Fairbanks
  4. University of Colorado
  5. University of Florida
  6. University of Georgia; Office of Architects for Facilities Planning
  7. University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  8. University of Michigan
  9. University of Michigan, Flint
  10. University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  11. University of New England
  12. University of North Carolina, Charlotte
  13. University of North Florida
  14. University of People
  15. University of San Francisco
  16. University of Toronto
  17. Ursinus College
  18. U.S. Census Bureau
  19. U.S. Department of Justice
  20. U.S. Naval Academy
  21. Utubersity (utubersidad)


  1. VALUE (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education; Association of American Colleges and Universities)
  2. Value Rubrics (Association of American Colleges and Universities)
  3. VanDongen, E. V.
  4. Vanguard University
  5. Vaughan, C.
  6. Vaughan, Sarah
  7. Velegol, S. B.
  8. Video feedback
  9. Videoconferencing
  10. Vidoe feedback
  11. Villa, E.
  12. Vimeo
  13. Vincent, Leslie (Delaware Technical Community College)
  14. Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary
  15. Virtual office hours
  16. Vodcast
  17. VoiceThread


  1. Wagner, I. C.
  2. Wagner, Richard
  3. Wake Forest University
  4. Walczak, K.
  5. Walker, M. P.
  6. Wallis, C.
  7. Walton, G. W.
  8. Walvoord, B. E.
  9. Wang, S.
  10. Wanless, Linda (Michigan Technological University)
  11. Washington State University
  12. Watkins, E. R.
  13. Watson, C. E. (University of Georgia)
  14. WeChat
  15. Wenderoth, M. P.
  16. Werner, Heinz
  17. Wessner, David R. (Davidson College)
  18. West, R. E.
  19. Weston, T.
  20. What Is the IF‐AT? (Epstein Educational Enterprises)
  21. Wheeler, M. A.
  22. Whitt, J. H.
  23. Wieman, Carl
  24. Wikipedia
  25. Wilhelm, I.
  26. Wilkemes, M. A.
  27. Williams, Jack (University of New England)
  28. Willingham, D.
  29. Wilson, D
  30. Wilson, R. B.
  31. Winderbottom, S.
  32. Winkelmes, M. A.
  33. Wittgenstein, L.
  34. Wohlfarth, DeDe (Spaulding University)
  35. Womack, Hu (Wake Forest University)
  36. Woods, Nicole (University of Toronto)
  37. WordPress
  38. Writing: cognitive wrappers for; peer review; prompts for; toward outcomes
  39. Writing Objectives Using Bloom's Taxonomy (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
  40. Wurdinger, S.


  1. Yeager, D. S.
  2. YouTube


  1. Zakrajsek, T.
  2. Zappe, S. E.
  3. Zaromb, F. M.
  4. Zietz, J.
  5. Zimmerman, B. J.
  6. Zull, J. E.