Cover Page

Stochastic Models for Insurance Set

coordinated by

Jacques Janssen

Semi-Markov Migration Models for Credit Risk

Volume 1

Guglielmo D’Amico

Giuseppe Di Biase

Jacques Janssen

Raimondo Manca

Wiley Logo


This book is a summary of several papers that the authors wrote on credit risk starting from 2003 to 2016.

Credit risk problem is one of the most important contemporary problems that has been developed in the financial literature. The basic idea of our approach is to consider the credit risk of a company like a reliability evaluation of the company that issues a bond to reimburse its debt.

Considering that semi-Markov processes (SMPs) were applied in the engineering field for the study of reliability of complex mechanical systems, we decided to apply this process and develop it for the study of credit risk evaluation.

Our first paper [D’AM 05] was presented at the 27th Congress AMASES held in Cagliari, 2003. The second paper [D’AM 06] was presented at IWAP 2004 Athens. The third paper [D’AM 11] was presented at QMF 2004 Sidney. Our remaining research articles are as follows: [D’AM 07, D’AM 08a, D’AM 08b, SIL08, D’AM 09, D’AM 10, D’AM 11a, D’AM 11b, D’AM 12, D’AM 14a, D’AM 14b, D’AM 15, D’AM 16a] and [D’AM 16b].

Other credit risk studies in a semi-Markov setting were from [VAS 06, VAS 13] and [VAS 13]. We should also outline that up to now, at author’s knowledge, no papers were written for outline problems or criticisms to the applications of SMPs to the migration credit risk.

The study of credit risk began with so-called structural form models (SFM). Merton [MER 74] proposed the first paper regarding this approach. This paper was an application of the seminal papers by Black and Scholes [BLA 73]. According to Merton’s paper, default can only happen at the maturity date of the debt. Many criticisms were made on this approach. Indeed, it was supposed that there are no transaction costs, no taxes and that the assets are perfectly divisible. Furthermore, the short sales of assets are allowed. Finally, it is supposed that the time evolution of the firm’s value follows a diffusion process (see [BEN 05]).

In Merton’s paper [MER 74], the stochastic differential equation was the same that could be used for the pricing of a European option. This problem was solved by Black and Cox [BLA 76] by extending Merton’s model, which allowed the default to occur at any time and not only at the maturity of the bond. In this book, techniques useful for the pricing of American type options are discussed.

Many other papers generalized the Merton and Black and Cox results. We recall the following papers: [DUA 94, LON 95, LEL 94, LEL 06, JON 84, OGD 87, LYD 00, EOM 03] and [GES 77].

The second approach to the study of credit risk involves reduced form models (RFMs). In this case, pricing and hedging are evaluated by public data, which are fully observable by everybody. In SFM, the data used for the evaluation of risk are known only within the company. More precisely, [JAR 04] explains that in the case of RFM, the information set is observed by the market, and in the case of SFM, the information set is known only inside the company.

The first RFM was given in [JAR 92]. In the late 1990s, these models developed. The seminal paper [JAR 97] introduced Markov models for following the evolution of rating. Starting from this paper, although many models make use of Markov chains, the problem of the poorly fitting Markov processes in the credit risk environment has been outlined.

Ratings change with time and a way of following their evolution their by means of Markov processes (see, for example, [JAR 97, ISR 01, HU 02]. In this environment, Markov models are called migration models. The problem of poorly fitting Markov processes in the credit risk environment has been outlined in some papers, including [ALT 98, CAR 94] and [LAN 02].

These problems include the following:

All these problems were solved by means of models that applied the SMPs, generalizing the Markov migration models.

This book is self-contained and is divided into nine chapters.

The first part of the Chapter 1 briefly describes the rating evolution and introduces to the meaning of migration and the importance of the evaluation of the probability of default for a company that issues bonds. In the second part, Markov chains are described as a mathematical tool useful for rating migration modeling. The subsequent step shows how rating migration models can be constructed by means of Markov processes.

Once the Markov limits in the management of migration models are defined, the chapter introduces the homogeneous semi-Markov environment. The last tool that is presented is the non-homogeneous semi-Markov model. Real-life examples are also presented.

In Chapter 2, it is shown how it is possible to take into account simultaneously recurrence times, i.e. backward and forward processes at the beginning and at the end of the time in which the credit risk model is observed. With such a generalization, it is possible to consider what happens inside the time before and after each transition to provide a full understanding of durations inside states of the studied system. The model is presented in a discrete time environment.

Chapter 3 presents the application of recurrence times in credit risk problems. Indeed, the first criticisms of Markov migration models were on the independence of the transition probabilities with respect to the duration of waiting time inside states (see [CAR 94, DUF 03]). SMP overcomes this problem but the introduction of initial and final backward and forward times allows for a complete study of the duration inside states. Furthermore, the duration of waiting time in credit risk problems is a fundamental issue in the construction of credit risk models.

In this chapter, real data examples are presented that show how the results of our semi-Markov models are sensitive to recurrence times.

Some papers have outlined the problem of unsuitable fitting of Markov processes in a credit risk environment. Chapter 4 presents a model that overcomes all the inadequacies of the Markov models. As previously mentioned, the full introduction of recurrence times solves the duration problem. The time dependence of the rating evaluation can be solved by means of the introduction of non-homogeneity. The downward problem is solved by means of the introduction of six states. The randomness of waiting time in the transitions of states is considered, thus making it possible to take into account the duration completely inside a state. Furthermore, in this chapter, both transient and asymptotic analyses are presented. The asymptotic analysis is performed by using a mono-unireducible topological structure. At the end of the chapter, a real data application is performed using the historical database of Standard & Poor’s as the source.

Chapter 5 presents a model to describe the evolution of the yield spread by considering the rating evaluation as the determinant of credit spreads. The underlying rating migration process is assumed to be a non-homogeneous discrete time semi-Markov non-discounted reward process. The rewards are given by the values of the spreads.

The calculation of the total sum of mean basis points paid within any given time interval is also performed.

From this information, we show how it is possible to extract the time evolution of expected interest rates and discount factors.

In Chapter 6, a discrete time non-homogeneous semi-Markov model for the rating evolution of the credit quality of a firm C is considered (see [D’AM 04]). The credit default swap spread for a contract between two parties, A and B, that sell and buy a protection about the failure of the firm C is determined. The work, both in the case of deterministic and stochastic recovery rate, is calculated. The link between credit risk and reliability theory is also highlighted.

Chapter 7 details two connected problems, as follows:

In Chapter 8, as in the previous chapters, the credit risk problem is placed in a reliability environment. One of the main applications of SMPs is, as it is well known, in the field of reliability. For this reason, it is quite natural to construct semi-Markov credit risk migration models.

This chapter details the first results that were obtained by the research group by the application of Monte Carlo simulation methods. How to reconstruct the semi-Markov trajectories using Monte Carlo methods and how to obtain the distribution of the random variable of the losses that the bank should support in the given horizon time are also explained in this chapter. Once this random variable is reconstructed, it will be possible to have all the moments of it and all the variability indices including the VaR. As it is well known, the VaR construction represents the main risk indicator in the Basel I–III committee agreements.