
VydayushChiysya rukovoditel': Kak obespeChit' biznes-proryv i vyvesti kompaniyu v lidery otrasli

VydayushChiysya rukovoditel': Kak obespeChit' biznes-proryv i vyvesti kompaniyu v lidery otrasli

von: Igor' Nemirovskij, Inna Starozhukova

CHF 4.50

Verlag: Alpina Publisher
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 03.05.2023
ISBN/EAN: 9785961430189
Sprache: Russisch
Anzahl Seiten: 398

Dieses eBook enthält ein Wasserzeichen.


In the current environment, no company can no longer maintain its competitiveness through, albeit constant, but insignificant increases in performance. Today we need a breakthrough. And in order to accomplish it, the leader must assemble a team of the strongest specialists and use innovative approaches and the most effective management methods. The system developed by the authors to achieve outstanding results in business and build a leading company will help to cope with such tasks. This system is based on the experience of many leaders of organizations who, even in the most difficult conditions, have been able to achieve amazing success. The book not only contains the quintessence of the best practices of top managers around the world, but also describes in detail a specific route towards the goal - a business breakthrough.

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